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Prosperity Magic & The Harvest Seasons

August marks the beginning of the harvest season, a time when numerous cultures globally commemorate the plentiful gifts provided by the Earth.

August 6th, marks the beginning of the Lughnasadh portal (the Sun is exact at 15 degrees of Leo), extending until August 19th with the Full Moon in Aquarius, which is Lunar Lughnasadh.

Lughnasadh is a Celtic pagan harvest celebration where we honor the archetypes that represent harvest and fertility. Harvest deities that can be honored are; Lugh (Celtic), Arianrhod (Whelsh), Demeter (Greek), Freyr (Norse), Min (Egypt), or Chicomecoatl (Aztec). This Sabbat is the first of two harvest festivals (the second is Mabon/Autumn Equinox in September and the third is Samhain in late October/early November).

We are currently in the sign of Leo, which is a sign that represents courage, self-expression, and leadership. Which is the perfect sign to manifest any dreams or desires with!

At the same time, we are also in the "Dog days of summer" referring to the heliacal rise of the star Sirius. In ancient Egypt, as Sirius rose in the sky, the Nile would flood and the land would become luscious and fertile once again. This is a sign of rebirth and marks the ancient Egyptian New Year! This is a time of rebirth, renewal, manifestation, and building of power. 

Below is an abundance ritual that you can do to receive all that the Universe has to give to you.

Complete this ritual before or by the full moon on August 19th.

First Harvest Abundance Ritual:

To prepare for your ritual, create a sacred space that is quiet and peaceful so you will not be disturbed. This can be at your altar, in your bedroom, or somewhere outside in Nature. Then choose a crystal that you would like to work with for this ritual. Some crystals associated with this portal are citrine, Herkimer diamond, or clear quartz.

If you are making an altar, some things to decorate it with are wheat, corn dolls, gold or brass items, clay pottery, warm colors, sunflowers, chamomile, and crystals.

  1. Ground and center yourself with mindful breathing and visualize yourself connecting with the earth below you.

  2. Call in your chosen Harvest God/Goddess or the archetype of the Lion/Lioness. Take a moment to really feel a change in yourself or in the air once you call them in.

  3. Hold your chosen crystal for this ritual, and repeat the following incantation:

    "I have gratitude in my heart for ____________, and I am choosing to receive all that I am meant to receive during this portal."

  4. Sit in meditation, visualizing your life with all the things you want to call into your life. Whether it is attracting a new job, clients, a new living situation, or to just live and act more abundantly, take your time in visualizing what this new life would look like. Notice if you receive any intuitive messages from your Guide.

  5. Next, write down any messages, feelings, or visuals that you experience during your meditation in a grimoire or journal. And place your crystal on your altar for the rest of the month. Pick up this crystal whenever you need a boost of confidence to continue living your most abundant life.

  6. Thank the energies or archetypes that you called in to support you and release them.

I recommend lighting a candle at the end to activate your intentions and to bring light into the rest of your day.

Blessed be!

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